Tag: education blog

  • End of the year Gift ideas for your Co-Workers

    End of the year Gift ideas for your Co-Workers

    Gifts are no substitute for building trust and a reliable, genuine relationship in the workplace, but it can be a means of making a deposit into the emotional bank account you hold with others. Because we have so many coworkers, especially if you work in a school, it can be hard to do this in…

  • Journaling: What are the Benefits? What to Journal About? and How We Can Make it a Habit?

    Journaling: What are the Benefits? What to Journal About? and How We Can Make it a Habit?

    What do you do when you feel as if you cannot hold your emotions within you? When you are a cup, ill equipped to hold the volume of your feelings, and at any moment, it can all come spilling out creating a mess that would be more than a little inconvenient to clean? For me,…

  • Preventing the Sunday Scaries

    Preventing the Sunday Scaries

    Sunday Scaries is deeper than just deciding not to work on Sunday, or getting all your work done before you go home. That dread of going to work may mean that you are burned out. By focusing on improving your physical and emotional resources, you can begin to make steps to take not only your…

  • How to Find True Rest

    How to Find True Rest

    Thank you for reading, and I really hope this helps. I mean it when I say that being intentional about rest and fun has changed my perspective and outlook on life. I am hoping the same for you. You deserve to have joy and peace in your life. Until next time remember, mind, body, and…

  • Quick Meals for Busy Teachers!

    Quick Meals for Busy Teachers!

    Let’s expand this vendetta against lunch to meals in general because let’s face it, eating is a challenge. When you get home the last thing you want to do is cook a meal. You’re exhausted mentally and physically. Sunday meal preps seem like an impossible feat when you must also create a lesson plan for…

  • Building Personal Habits for a Successful School Year

    Building Personal Habits for a Successful School Year

    I attribute my healthy habits to why I am able to maintain a positive mindset while tackling significant challenges like teaching 9th graders and convincing them over and over again that they should read! I mean have you ever tried to convince a teenager to read, it is exhausting and it takes the utmost self…

  • 3  Tips on How to Manage Clerical Tasks

    3 Tips on How to Manage Clerical Tasks

    When I started teaching, there was an undercurrent of dread that came from something that is overlooked in most teacher training. There was little to no preparation  for all of the CLERICAL TASKS teachers are asked to do. I was not prepared to keep up with parent contacts, student contacts, emails, special education documentation and…

  • Procedures: Different routines to think through BEFORE the beginning of the year.

    Procedures: Different routines to think through BEFORE the beginning of the year.

    Many of us are stepping into new roles this year. Whether it is our first year teaching at all, or our first year at a new school, or our first at a new grade level, being intentional at the beginning of the year, before you ever see a student, can save you so much time,…

  • Classroom Vision: 7 Questions to ask yourself to set the foundation of your classroom.

    Classroom Vision: 7 Questions to ask yourself to set the foundation of your classroom.

    I truly believe that to have a classroom where all feel welcomed and valued, it must start with being intentional about the questions you ask yourself surrounding what you want to be true for your students. Here are 7 questions you can use to begin planning your year. I hope it helps!

  • 5 tips to get you through school and a full time job! (or any busy season!)

    I know that I have been away for a while, and that is because I had a busy season within my life. I planned a wedding and got married! I moved twice! I got into a graduate school program and earned my degree. All while still teaching 9th grade English full time.  This blog, formerly…